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Converting Sprites

Posted by Arnas - August 1st, 2013

Converting sprites takes really long. I've been doing it with breaks and it's still hard and long and some days I could just not even pick it up and convert them because of how tedious it is. If I could make SSW 18 I could do it easily because all the sprites are ready for it but people requested SCD 5.

So I'm not sure what to do at this point. Besides, SSW 17 only has 4000 views and even my least popular Youtube videos can reach this amount in a week.

So what's happening to sprite movies? I don't feel motivated to put myself through this painful conversion process.


How many episodes has SSW?

C'mon now Arnas, we all know that Sprite movies have got been unpopular on those years, sadly it's hard to expect too many people intertested on them recently mainly on YT ):

You are still doing great on NG, so dont give up :D

I personally think you should do SSW and like finish that season and then do SCD(if you want to do that) but I personally like SSW more than SCD.

I personally think you should do SSW and like finish that season and then do SCD(if you want to do that) but I personally like SSW more than SCD.

SSW rules! plz finish it! PLZZ!!!

I know that you're not getting the views you want by making these, but by making them you'll be making quite a few people happy. I would check every now and again to see what you're up to but it wasn't really that often. I didn't check your submissions for a while until today but when I saw that there was a new SSW episode I was so excited to watch it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you make it, they will come. Well other people like me of course, the people that have always enjoyed your work and probably will always enjoy your work. But the final decision is up to you. Anyways if you need/ want help I wouldn't mind helping you but I'm not sure how much help I could be. So take care Arnas and good luck with what you choose.

Do you start now on SSW18?